I don’t give a fig(wheel) – part 2

In the first part of this blog I showed a way of loading figwheel from an nREPL while keeping the figwheel code separate from the generic build used to build for production.

One of the things I wanted to ensure in my lein project was that any Clojurescript test code is kept separate from the production code to be shipped.

I decided to use the doo library to run my cljs tests. I experimented with using the cljsbuild plugin with a js script and phantomjs to run cljs tests as described here but I found this approach didn’t always report failures in async tests correctly.

To set up doo you need to add the following entries to the project.clj file:

 :profiles {
   :dev {
     :source-paths ["dev/src" "src-cljs" "test-cljs"] ; add test dir
     :dependencies [...
                    [lein-doo "0.1.6"]]
     :plugins [[lein-doo "0.1.6"]]}}

As well as adding lein-doo to the dependencies and the plugins for only the :dev profile, you need to add the directory containing the test code to the source paths. In my case I am keeping my test code in a directory  called ‘test-cljs’.

In addition lein-doo needs a test runner to bootstrap it. Therefore I added a test-runner namespace that calls the doo-tests function to run the test namespaces (in this case only core-test).

(ns blogcljsfigwheel.test-runner
 (:require [doo.runner :refer-macros [doo-tests]]
(doo-tests 'blogcljsfigwheel.core-test)

I also needed to add the cljsbuild config for the test namespaces to the project file to ensure the test code is transpiled to JavaScript.

:cljsbuild {:builds {...
                     :test {:source-paths ["src-cljs" "test-cljs"]
                            :compiler {:main "blogcljsfigwheel.test-runner"
                                       :output-to "resources/private/js/unit-test.js"
                                       :optimizations :whitespace
                                       :pretty-print true}}}}

If you have phantomjs installed on your path you can then run the tests using lein doo phantom test.

As you can see the test build outputs to the resources/private directory whereas I configured the app build to output to the target directory:

 :cljsbuild {:builds 
                {:source-paths ["src-cljs"]
                 :compiler {:main "blogcljsfigwheel.core"
                            :output-to "target/cljsbuild/public/js/compiled/blogcljsfigwheel.js"
                            :output-dir "target/cljsbuild/public/js/compiled/out"
                            :asset-path "js/compiled/out"}}

In order to package the Clojurescript in the uberjar I also needed to add:

 :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
                            {:jar true
                             :compiler {:optimizations :advanced}}}}
                      :prep-tasks ["compile" ["cljsbuild" "once" "app"]]}

The prep-tasks ensure that the cljsbuild is run for the app build when the uberjar is built using lein uberjar.



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